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Career Advice.

For Students

As a company that supports students fully throughout our courses, it would be remiss not to aid with the recruitment process. A new career, career change or a step up in the industry can be daunting. Our team is here to help with things including:

  • CV writing
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Understanding the value of networking
  • Job searching
  • Interview techniques
  • Realistic expectations and career progression

When job hunting, it's essential to explore different job search platforms to find the ideal career opportunity. Websites like Jooble UK provide a wide range of IT job listings across England and beyond.

For Employers

Looking for your next hire? Being an official provider for multiple IT qualifications, we have numerous quality candidates for roles across this industry. Our training packages have been designed to help ready our clients for the workplace.

If you are part of the armed forces covenant, we are an ELCAS provider and have many students transitioning from the military with specialist skillsets and abilities


Speak to our recruitment team.

We have made it easier for you to reach us and begin your learning journey.